Save the date!

Unique trade fair concept in Eindhoven: from September 15 - 17, we will be presenting our latest round table and a dynamic monolith. Visit us in the former Phillips production site Klokgebouw in Eindhoven (NL).

Destination Design

New trade fair concept in the former Phillips halls

Visit us and be inspired by our sculptural designs! Unique shapes, natural materials and colorful fabrics invite you to sensual impressions. Experience how Rodam harmoniously combines art and functionality in its new designs.

PLACE AND TIME 15.-17. SEP 2024 | Stand B07 | Klokgebouw | Eindhoven, NL

Detailbild von der Holzplatte vom Couchtisch Nodi aus massivem Nussbaumholz

You are welcome to make an appointment with us in advance. We are looking forward to your visit!

Ralf Kröger - Head of Sales

Furniture design and interior design you can touch and experience: Rodam presents organic shapes, graphic patterns and fresh colors along side the furniture manufacturers Werther, Ars Nova and Niroh in Werther.

22.-26. Sep '24
Die Möbelmanufaktur
Hägerstraße 4
33824 Werther

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